STEP Fusion Solutions, LLC (A TATE Home Assistant Product)
** All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2014-2019
Input of Messages/Enables/ActiveMsg data into Database

Purging existing message data ...
Purging existing enabler data ...
Purging existing MsgList data ...
Purging existing ActiveMsgLinks data ...
Purging existing MsgList data ...
Finished purging Table data.

Processing Message data ...
Line: 1: Processing 28 fields.
Line: 2: Processing 28 fields.
Query messages Update: INSERT INTO messages (MsgID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, MsgTitle, MsgDisplayText, MsgSpokenText, MsgType, DisplayFormatID, StyleID, SysMsg, FixedEnabler, MsgCreationDateTime, MsgStartDateTime, MsgNeverExpire, MsgExpirationDateTime, MsgExpired, MsgSuspend, MsgDeleted, MsgDeleteDateTime, MsgSuspendedDateTime, EditStatus, CreatedByUserID, CorrectResponse, IncorrectResponse, DesiredResponse, UndesiredResponse, DisplaySpoken) VALUES (1, 28, 0, 0, "Good Morning", "Good morning. Its time to wake up.", "Good morning. Its time to wake up.", 1, 3, 0,0, 0, "8/7/1993 0:00", "8/7/1993 0:00", 1, "8/7/2200 0:00", 0, 0, 0, "8/7/1993 0:00", "8/7/1993 0:00", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Line: 3: Processing 28 fields.
Query messages Update: INSERT INTO messages (MsgID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, MsgTitle, MsgDisplayText, MsgSpokenText, MsgType, DisplayFormatID, StyleID, SysMsg, FixedEnabler, MsgCreationDateTime, MsgStartDateTime, MsgNeverExpire, MsgExpirationDateTime, MsgExpired, MsgSuspend, MsgDeleted, MsgDeleteDateTime, MsgSuspendedDateTime, EditStatus, CreatedByUserID, CorrectResponse, IncorrectResponse, DesiredResponse, UndesiredResponse, DisplaySpoken) VALUES (2, 28, 0, 0, "First 20 Minutes of the Day", "The first 20 minutes after you wake up is the most important time of the day. You are at your most receptive.", "The first 20 minutes after you wake up is the most important time of the day. You are at your most receptive.", 1, 3, 0,0, 0, "8/7/1993 0:00", "8/7/1993 0:00", 1, "8/7/2200 0:00", 0, 0, 0, "8/7/1993 0:00", "8/7/1993 0:00", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Line: 4: Processing 28 fields.
Query messages Update: INSERT INTO messages (MsgID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, MsgTitle, MsgDisplayText, MsgSpokenText, MsgType, DisplayFormatID, StyleID, SysMsg, FixedEnabler, MsgCreationDateTime, MsgStartDateTime, MsgNeverExpire, MsgExpirationDateTime, MsgExpired, MsgSuspend, MsgDeleted, MsgDeleteDateTime, MsgSuspendedDateTime, EditStatus, CreatedByUserID, CorrectResponse, IncorrectResponse, DesiredResponse, UndesiredResponse, DisplaySpoken) VALUES (3, 28, 0, 0, "Make this a great day.", "Make this the best day ever.", "Make this the best day ever.", 1, 3, 0,0, 0, "8/7/1993 0:00", "8/7/1993 0:00", 1, "8/7/2200 0:00", 0, 0, 0, "8/7/1993 0:00", "8/7/1993 0:00", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Line: 5: Processing 28 fields.
Query messages Update: INSERT INTO messages (MsgID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, MsgTitle, MsgDisplayText, MsgSpokenText, MsgType, DisplayFormatID, StyleID, SysMsg, FixedEnabler, MsgCreationDateTime, MsgStartDateTime, MsgNeverExpire, MsgExpirationDateTime, MsgExpired, MsgSuspend, MsgDeleted, MsgDeleteDateTime, MsgSuspendedDateTime, EditStatus, CreatedByUserID, CorrectResponse, IncorrectResponse, DesiredResponse, UndesiredResponse, DisplaySpoken) VALUES (4, 28, 0, 0, "You can achieve your dreams.", "You can achieve your dreams and goals.", "You can achieve your dreams and goals.", 1, 3, 0,0, 0, "8/7/1993 0:00", "8/7/1993 0:00", 1, "8/7/2200 0:00", 0, 0, 0, "8/7/1993 0:00", "8/7/1993 0:00", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Finished processing Message data. Entries= 6

Processing Enabler data ...
Line: 1: Processing 31 fields.
Line: 2: Processing 31 fields.
128EnablerID= 1
Query Enabler Update: INSERT INTO enablers (EnablerID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, EnablerDescription, DaysOfWeek, StartOnWeek, WeeksToSkip, MonthsOfYear1, MonthsOfYear2, WeeksOfMonth, DaysOfMonth1, DaysOfMonth2, DaysOfMonth3, DaysOfMonth4, DaysOfMonth5, MsgYears, StartTime, EndTime, StartDate, EndDate, Expires, ExpireDate, Random, ImmediateRepeat, OverTimeRepeat, TriggerListID, SysEnabler, EditStatus, CreatedByUserID, IsCanned ) VALUES (1, 28, 0, 0, "Wake Up Time.", 255, "1993-08-07 00:00:00", 0,255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, "0:00:00", "23:55:00", "1993-08-07 00:00:00", "2100-08-07 00:00:00", 0, "2200-08-07 00:00:00", 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
Finished processing Enabler data. Entries= 3

Processing the MsgList Table ...
Line: 1: Processing 9 fields.
Line: 2: Processing 9 fields.
Query msglist Update: INSERT INTO msglist (MsgListID, MsgID, EnablerID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, AddedByUserID, AddedDateTime, EditStatus)VALUES (1,1, 1, 28, 0, 0, 0, "1993-08-07 00:00:00", 0)
Line: 3: Processing 9 fields.
Query msglist Update: INSERT INTO msglist (MsgListID, MsgID, EnablerID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, AddedByUserID, AddedDateTime, EditStatus)VALUES (2,2, 1, 28, 0, 0, 0, "1993-08-07 00:00:00", 0)
Line: 4: Processing 9 fields.
Query msglist Update: INSERT INTO msglist (MsgListID, MsgID, EnablerID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, AddedByUserID, AddedDateTime, EditStatus)VALUES (3,3, 1, 28, 0, 0, 0, "1993-08-07 00:00:00", 0)
Line: 5: Processing 9 fields.
Query msglist Update: INSERT INTO msglist (MsgListID, MsgID, EnablerID, GroupID, UserID, DeviceID, AddedByUserID, AddedDateTime, EditStatus)VALUES (4,4, 1, 28, 0, 0, 0, "1993-08-07 00:00:00", 0)
Finished processing the MsgList Table. Entries= 4

Processing the ActiveMsgLinks Table ...
Line: 1: Processing 5 fields.
Line: 2: Processing 5 fields.
Line: 3: Processing 5 fields.
Line: 4: Processing 5 fields.
Line: 5: Processing 5 fields.
Finished processing the ActiveMsgLinks Table. Entries= 4

Processing the ActiveMsg Table ...
Line: 1: Processing 4 fields.
Line: 2: Processing 4 fields.
Line: 3: Processing 4 fields.
Line: 4: Processing 4 fields.
Line: 5: Processing 4 fields.
Finished processing the ActiveMsg Table. Entries= 6

Import completed successfully.
** End Program Execution **